Sunday, February 12, 2012

Beauty and the Beast

She's trading me in for a boy that's just easy.
It'd be understandable if this beast had morals or feelings.
But she doesn't care for either, she's blind with dulled senses...
She's stealing my heart and she's being relentless.

She says that she loves me, she's holding his hand.
"We're just friends" How do you expect me to understand?
Who is she fooling? No one. Not even her friends.
Her friends that stuck close and she left them in the end.

"He is my best friend." "What am I?" "You are too..."
"Well make up your mind who you're going to choose."
The kisses with him, she swore she hasn't lied.
I think that it's time that I just said "goodbye."

I've got a few things that I'd like to tell her.
That I wish I'd never fallen so deeply in love with her.
Forever is a promise she still couldn't keep.
And she's letting me go to fall for a beast.

What does he have? What does that make me?
Does that really make me lower than a beast?
Or does it just show that her heart is a cannibal?
Feeding it's hunger by the bloody red handful...

She's calling me back. She's missing my love.
Too bad that she lied and she lost all my trust.
She left what I gave her. She threw it away.
She's in the wrong and expects me to change...

I hope that she's happy. I guess I wasn't enough.
I guess that she really just wanted some "love".
I hope that she finds it. I hope she finds it herself.
Maybe next time she gets it, she won't leave it for something else.

No time to lose. I've got to move on.
Goodbye Beauty. Good luck with the beast.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cheetahs run fast to escape the truth

Our lives are the stage, our hearts wrote this script
I told you farewell with a hug, not a kiss

Tears came to your eyes as you whispered "Goodbye,"
"I promise to wait!" and I said "So do I."

Tears and regrets are the things I regret
I can't believe you let all those dreams leave your head

You had all my trust without having to try
But all it took to lose it was five little lies

You call him your best friend, you said you loved me
And there's this thing that society calls "cheating"

It's like a bad romance, but this one's not free
I gave you my heart and you took every piece

You left my side but never left my sight
And that was the shortest forever of my life