Paranoia. It drives me crazy. Assumptions? Probably as accurate as their accusations. But hey, I'm just assuming.
Sometimes we get too caught up in ourselves to really think clearly - Assuming someone's action meant something, jumping to a conclusion, making our own dreams come true. When we want our objectives to come to pass, we often find a way to make them happen, and when someone else doesn't follow our perfect plans, our feelings get hurt.
It's foolish to think that the world revolves around us. If things don't go your way, put on some big kid pants and take it. Keep your chin up and your back straight.
Feelings will follow actions. So if you act strong, you'll be strong. In fact, that's one of the most important qualities in a person. Accept the fact that another person doesn't want to ride your horse. Don't get bent out of shape; don't cry all over your social networks. MOVE FORWARD.