Friday, November 11, 2011


Hmmmmmm what should I write about today?

I have no idea.... But onthebrightside, I might come up with something cleverly random....

So, I went to a leadership conference this past weekend with my church, and that was pretty fun. I have three words to echo to you all. Push. The. Limits.

Yes. That's right. Push the limits. Like, raising the bar. Going the extra mile. Being outrageous. Living on the edge. Oh yeah, this is what makes my life exciting. Let me tell you a story...

Once upon a time, I was at an orphanage with my youth group. We were having a good time playing apples-to-apples and foosball and stuff, and one of the kids even decided to name me "Rufus" (I'm not sure why though...) ...Anyways, in the corner of the room, there was a table of assorted food and candy. And on that table was a bag of oranges... Oranges? Really? No kid under the age of 18 is going to want an orange for a snack.

But regardless, they were on the table, and (obviously) no one was eating them. Being the macho man that I am, I eyed the bag of brightly colored oranges and asked, "How many oranges do you think I can eat?" I immediately got responses from the kids shouting "10!" or "11!" or even "5!"

I counted the number of oranges in the bag... 15?!? What had I gotten myself into? I set the timer for 1 minute, and began peeling my first orange. Oh, this is making me sick just remembering. I ate about two oranges and asked for a can of Mountain Dew... (like that would make it better?) I kept peeling and eating, peeling and eating, and occasionally chugging Mountain Dew... And then continued to shove oranges into my mouth... Thankfully they were seedless. But they were still oranges... ewww... I don't even like oranges.... 60 seconds went by and I had finished 11 oranges.

Ok, the bet was up. I had finished 11 oranges. But was that enough? Nope! I kept going. Pushing my limits... The kids were chanting "Rufus! Rufus!" So, that kinda encouraged me. It took me an extra 40 seconds to finish those last 4 oranges, but in the end, it was totally worth it. I felt soooooo sick. It was like I was pregnant... Not really, but I definitely felt like a girl... *awkward*

... I needed to puke SOOOOO bad! I was lying on the floor... About to die. Seriously, I still have no idea how 15 oranges pushed their way into my tiny stomach... Have you seen how small I am lately?!? Anyways... I ended up discovering something. Oranges make you pee like nobody's business.

Moral: If you push the limits, you end up with lots of experience and lots of stories to tell.

(Sorry I don't have any pictures... we weren't allowed to take any... although I think there's a video out there somewhere...)


  1. "It was like I was pregnant... Not really, but I definitely felt like a girl... *awkward*"

    You know nothing of girls, Zeb. Nothing.

  2. Hannah, I was raised by women.

    I know as much about women as Tarzan knows of Gorillas...

    I was pregnant with oranges. And I felt like my insides were inside a blender. It was quite an experience. And afterwards, I chugged two more cans of Mountain Dew. It was great. Sometime, you should meet my feminine side.

  3. I think I have met your feminine side. It has shaved legs.

    That sounds absolutely horrible! I can handle cuts and bruises, but getting sick to your stomach is the worst physical pain.

    Pretty sure if you knew so much about women you wouldn't make the mistake of comparing them to gorillas. JK :)
